Mount Pleasant, MI

And Surrounding Areas


Text or Call to make an appointment

Hours of Operation

By appointment only


Mobile In-Home Services suited to fit your needs

Household Lice Head Check - $10

Making sure you have lice to avoid unnecessary cost. This service is offered even if you don't want to be treated by me. Removal Treatment Guarantee is only valid if everyone in the household get's a head check. No exceptions!

Lice Removal Treatment - Starting at $60

Apply treatment shampoo and conditioner, combing out lice and nits then applying an oil treatment. $60 for the products and the first hour of service and $20 per hour onward. Long hair typically takes 2 hours.

Home Treatment - $20/ hour

I will strip bedding and put it and stuffed animals in the dryer for 30 mins, vacuum and spray bedding and furniture with the LTC Fabric and Upholstery Spray and remake beds.

Lice Education - Free

A brief phone call or text to advise on how to treat or prevent lice when you can't afford my services

Why choose us?


Lice treatment and nit removal can be a long, laborious process. Leave it to the professionals, so you have more time and energy for other things you need to do.

Compassion and confidentiality

There’s no shame here!  I understand the trauma and embarrassment having head lice can cause and I will do my best to help ease those feelings of panic and helplessness. All services are confidential and I will not share your information.

Pediatrician formulated Products

I use all natural, organic products free from toxins such as DEET and permethrin, which have known adverse side effects. These were formulated by a pediatrician with children’s safety in mind. 

End the Cycle

Many OTC products are not effective at killing lice and many parents and caregivers don’t have the patience or knowledge to fully eradicate a lice infestation or prevent a reinfestation. I’m committed to helping you not become a repeat customer.